5 – 29 October 2023
Fantasma 2023 acrylic and mixed media on canvas 1780 × 1524mm (4 panels)
Philippa Blair is an architect, surveyor, scientist, sculptor, dancer, horse rider, musician, linguist, teacher, mother; in truth she is an artist who brings all the attributes of the former to the table of the latter. Moreover, she is fearless, always has been, still is, her life is tied to her art. There is no separation. A rider is unmounted, a dancer falls, a musician plays a wrong note, architects, scientists, surveyors, all look and relook at their work, they welcome mistakes, look for corrections, improvements, it is a life of looking, falling, remounting, listening, learning. In short this is Philippa Blair’s life.
Born in Christchurch to a scientist father and a musician/singer mother she studied piano, learnt to ride, dance, tramp in the hills, went to art school, Ilam, taught, exhibited, married, had children, gained residencies, exhibited, remarried, this time to an architect, (like her brother), she was invited to teach in America, given a green card, residency, US citizenship, exhibited, travelled, exhibited, and after twenty years returned to New Zealand to reconnect, rediscover, and eventually, after the death of her husband, to recuperate. But always to create in her fearlessly, relentlessly brave manner.
Philippa is the subject of a feature article in the Spring Issue of ArtZone magazine. In this extensive article, Catharina van Bohemen manages to keep pace with the artist as she works and to capture some of the powerful and frenetic energy her paintings contain. Copies available from the Gallery and all good bookshops.
A catalogue illustrating the complete exhibition is available from the gallery on request, or click below to view or download this catalogue.